Sunday, November 9, 2008

Good friends

The girls have been playing hard this last week and nothing makes them happier! It is amazing the difference in Bella since her surgeries. She is feeling better and is so full of life. She loves running around with the other pups. Gypsy has been well behaved with a little bit of mischief thrown in. She loves to jump and try to reach the laundry on the line. Bella is looking for a quiet, calm household. She loves to watch tv and go for walks on the leash. Gypsy likes to interact with people. It doesn't really matter to her what the person is doing as long as she is part of it. november dogs 003 november dogs 022 november dogs 021 november dogs 010

1 comment:

veganinbellingham said...

I have just spent the last part of my lunch break reading and catching up on your awesome blog. What wonderful dogs. I am so impressed with the work you guys are doing. I want to read more but have to go back to work. But I will check in again soon and I think you have me convinced that I need to send some $$ your way to support your work! You will be hearing from me later.

The Adoptable Dogs